Making a HAPPY workplace through Spiritual Coaching

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Fear, confusion, frustration, needs, should, could(s), would(s). Each day we spend in our work, an emotional tsunami sweeps our minds, every moment. How do we shift through all of this and find what’s important and what will help us to succeed?

Most of the times we are running behind promotions, power, higher pay, internal politics, back biting not even sure what we are chasing? 99% of the time what we are chasing is not what we want and thus most of the times we see tired faces in the workplace and we wonder what else is required to energize us.

Spirituality is no longer the domain of religious sects, it’s not even about GOD or any GURU, spirituality is all about self-enquiry. Everything happens in life is a teaching, lesson, challenge, and an opportunity. On a higher level each and every moment of our lives is an opportunity for self-enquiry, spiritual growth and greater fulfillment. It’s an inner quest. Every thought we think is an opportunity to get to know the self that we truly ARE and being as we ARE or remain in the illusion called ego.

All depends how we perceive reality.

Imagine a workplace where all employees feels the same as above with every passing challenge or opportunity or after every performance appraisal. Important to understand that you can only drive motivation where there is fulfillment no matter how much material superficial catalysts are infused in the system. Thus every motivational theory speaks about purpose and fulfillment. You ask anyone in your workplace what is their ultimate goal in life and I bet 100% will say HAPPINESS. Interestingly hardly anyone understands what makes them happy as each spurts of the events that happens which they think make them happy are temporary and short-lived. Organizations thus struggle to create a HAPPY workforce as it is purely perception based.

Prosperity is a true state of mind and a state of soul and as you connect yourself with your HIGHER self the inner state of Oneness starts creating the magic. You find peace within oneself and about oneself and that’s where one finds happiness.

A workplace driving prosperity within would have bunch of highly engaged and energetic workforce who would have one goal as they would have found happiness in what they do and why they do.

Spirituality is not all about meditation or yoga or religion or anything other than oneself. Spirituality is all about self and if the organization can drive its people towards self-enquiry through spiritual coaching it would redefine the way the people think and work.


Abhirup Banerjee, Co- Founder GRIP Consulting


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