It’s really not about women

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Over past one decade I have been part of organizations and diversity teams running the agenda of diversity. The agenda of having diverse workforce which primarily focus on women. Diversity in all organizations boils down to “women”. It also revolves around women empowerment and inclusion, diversity weeks, seminars and discussions around women. I have a completely different view point to this regard and I would be blunt and straight and I apologies if I would be hurting any sentiments.

The very fact this magazine has a separate issue on this topic and this has been a topic of discussion even after a decade proves that it’s not really about women. It’s actually all about MEN. In the hindsight men needs to empower themselves to think that women are actually no less than them and treat them equally. When we start thinking about equality the word “diversity” cease to exit. In the workplace there are several discriminations and it starts with the interview. I still remember one of my hiring managers telling me that he doesn’t want to hire women with the fear that she will go on maternity leave at the time to project delivery. Interestingly there is no guarantee that the MEN will not go on leave or quit organization during time of critical delivery. Thus it remains all in the mind.

I strongly feel organizations should be working to empower men to think more progressive. The men needs to get trained to understand that like women, men also have various workplace challenges which gets passed as normal and are not overhyped like the maternity leave. In a cohesive workplace, there are people challenges and it’s not about men or women.

The new age women are confident, self-reliant and matured. The organizations now should no more drive diversity agenda with a focus on women rather men and women together should drive equality in workplace in terms of diverse values, objectives and breaking stereotypes. Men and women both should look to be inclusive and accept behavioral differences as part of being a man or a woman.

I envision a workplace where there are no diversity agenda. Everyone in the organization are empowered and inclusive of each other. People are not judgmental, breaking stereotypes and there is only one agenda – EQUALITY. There are no preconceived notions, there are no thought barriers, and there are no personal preferences. The only deciding factor will be performance and commitment. I dream the workplace to rise above mediocrity. I know it’s a dream and well, I do believe in time and space all dreams are real.

The women have already empowered themselves, it’s time for the men.


Abhirup Banerjee, gripconsultant

HR Strategist.

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