Employee Engagement


Employee Engagement is the extent to which someone is enthusiastic about their job and is committed to the organization. It is one of the most important factors to drive profitability and reflects the feeling that employees are included and are committed to the organization’s values and goals.

The managers can direct the employee’s energy towards work objectives to increase workplace performance. Employee engagement is basically building a workplace culture where employees are productive and engaged. Engaged employees consistently work harder and put in the more targeted effort.

Engaged employees have a direct impact on the following areas:

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved customer loyalty
  • Increased retention of employees
  • Reduced absenteeism
  1. How do you measure employee engagement?
  • Employee surveys are a key measure of the number of ideas that people are bringing forward and measure what percentage of those engagements are being implemented.
  • Building an engagement index and doing the correlation with the business priorities. Turnover rates can be measured frequently on a real-time basis.
  • Measuring leader and line manager communication credibility.

If we correlate data with business performance and use the data to prove the business value and add it to the company.

  1. How to interpret the employee engagement assessment process?

Once people have participated in the employee engagement assessment process it is very important to give back feedback as the leadership gets the insight and gather data.

  • Research proves that gross performance profits retention and customer loyalty.
  • Employee expectations and motivating factors are not effectively identified and aligned with organizational goals.
  • Engagement and retention analytics go straight to the intrinsic drivers of employee expectations and motivators empowering managers to align the desired business outcomes with individual employee’s goals and needs.

Employees and employers then share in their responsibility for engagement and organizations can develop engagement strategies to align employee motivation with organization goals.

III. How to invest tactically?

Once the growth opportunities are identified, we need to invest in people so we need to respond by agreeing to things that are beneficial for the organization.

  • The organization needs to develop tactical plans to make a change and those tactical plans can be referenced in terms of training or organizational development.
  • There needs to be a budget, there needs to be planning and there needs to be purpose and the purpose of a training needs to be transformed inside the organization.

The focus is on driving engagement by giving them clarity of communication and helping them focus on the right things.

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