DigiChefs includes ‘Back to Office Plan’ to employee benefit policy


DigiChefs has announced two new HR policies in addition to their current employee benefits program.


The office will presently give Comfort Leave and Back to Office Plan to give their group some additional help during this advancing stage.

The Comfort Leave is a finished no-questions-asked leave that can be taken the female culinary specialists by just referencing ‘solace pass on’ to the director/lead. This arrangement is to give the ladies an opportunity to unwind and rest so they can return with more strength.

Back to Office Plan is a program sent off to permit the workers to travel from WFH to actual office, no sweat. Each group at DigiChefs will presently be working from the workplace somewhere around double seven days, beginning fifteenth April 2022 and this model will altered come. This has been acquainted with adjust to the work from office mode in a consistent way.

Aside from these, the office will likewise give the beneath benefits beginning April 2022.

1. Flexi office in timing from 9.30am – 11.30pm

2. No sandwich leave policy

3. No late coming penalty

4. One-hour DND every day, as per choice, where no one will bother you with any discussion, call or texts

Profound Mehta, Co-Founder, DigiChefs said, “We, at DigiChefs, have generally endeavored to make better and more joyful working circumstances for all our colleagues, be it in our cycles or our way of life, and with these new approaches set up now, we keep on pursuing it. These approaches have been contrived such that benefits both the association and the workers. We without a doubt feel that this will help the confidence of our representatives and empower them to offer better to the association.”

DigiChefs presently has a group of 60 individuals in Mumbai and has worked with 400+ brands since its beginning in 2015. The organization has conveyed 100Cr+ in income and 1M+ natural commitment for their clients generally.

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