Intelligent Social Emotion Quotient (ISEQ)

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In a recent altercation in twitter between the Flipkart CEO and Snapdeal CEO which went viral, it became evident that it’s time to create a certain basic guidelines for senior executives to communicate in social media. Information is instant and so is feedback, and how we respond to social media it’s a choice we need to make.

It all started with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) which no more was enough for individuals to manage work and life and thus it gave way to EQ (Emotional Quotient) and EI (Emotional Intelligence) which became mandatory for professionals to develop to manage work as well as life. Till this time there were tests and self-awareness tools which helped us to cope with the ever changing world we live in.

Soon world of communication changed as it had to, as change is constant and gave way to Facebook, twitter, Instagram and many more social platforms. People’s lives were no more confined within their minds and were expressive enough, seeking validation with the rest of world. The primitive self-obsession of human behavior gave way to the success of social media. Legal boundaries were difficult to hold on to and corporates and individuals reacted more, rather than responding to situations and opinions. IQ and EQ are no more enough to manage the flurry of information that is getting processed by the human mind every second.

It’s time we introduce Intelligent Social Emotional Quotient (ISEQ). Every second all over the world everyone is watching each other, following each other, liking or disliking each other and then we do have trolling. We need to be intelligent with how we express our social emotions and avoid any unprecedented attention which may be uncalled for in most occasions.

As an inherent behavior we love to generalize, judge and express opinions. In earlier years it used to happen in groups of known people and restricted to the groups that an individual was close to. Social media has now changed the whole scenario where each interactions gets documented as personal opinions and the whole world is there to judge based on that personal opinion.

It’s very important to develop ISEQ for each of us so that we maintain sanity and relevancy of our own selves and not hijacked by opinions of the world. It’s important to create a social identity and maintain it the way you want to.


Abhirup Banerjee

HR Strategist.

8412017782,, Twitter: @abhirupthecoach, youtube: abhirupbanerjeethecoach, Instagram – abhirupthecoach

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