White-hot recruitment market? William Tincup talks to Oven-Ready HR


In this week’s Oven-Ready podcast Chris Taylor talks to William Tincup about whether the recruitment market is as hot as we’re led to believe and whether there is such a thing as work-life balance.

William Tincup is the president and manager on the loose of Recruiting Daily. He is at the convergence of work and innovation and is an essayist, speaker, guide, specialist, financial backer, podcaster and narrator. He likewise serves on the leading group of 20+ HR innovation new businesses.

This episode covers:

Do technological innovations in recruitment benefit the candidate? [01:41]
On the whole, they don’t, says Tincup.

The great resignation – lipstick on a pig? [04:10]
Is the great resignation all that it is made out to be?

Are organisations using the cost of living crisis to exploit consumers? [08:56]
Tincup cites the oil industry, which he believes is cynically using the conflict in Ukraine to drive prices up.

Will the recruitment market stay white hot? [11:39]
This depends entirely on the sector.

Should employers help workers with the cost of living crisis? [16.35]
This is an opportunity for HR to engage on a deeper level with employees.

Work-life balance is a con! [20:30]
Tinpot argues that work-life balance does not exist and never has.

Gen Z and millennials ask the right questions [24:11]
A discussion of why Gen Z and millennials are better as asking questions about work-life integration and what has given them the confidence to challenge the norms.

The end of working from home? [26:39]
The tech giants of Silicon Valley still operate a command and control culture where you have to be seen to be believed to be working. Tincup believes these firms are on the wrong side of history.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable [28:42]
Radical Flexibility is going to be the default position and to attract talent and organisations are going to need to raise their game.

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