What is AI for recruiting?

News Technology

AI recruitment software also leverages the wealth of data in your ATS to generate insights into your talent pool. Artificial intelligence can help recruiters with blind screening for reduced bias, as well as visibility into past successful candidates that have remained at the organization.

For example, software that applies machine learning to resumes to auto-screen candidates or software that conducts sentiment analysis on job descriptions to identify potentially biased language.

Manually screening resumes is still the most time-consuming part of recruiting, especially when 75% to 88% of the resumes received for a role are unqualified. Screening resumes and shortlisting candidates to interview is estimated to take 23 hours of a recruiter’s time for a single hire.

AI for recruiting represents an opportunity for recruiters to reduce the time spent on repetitive, time-consuming tasks, such as automating the screening of resumes, automatically triggering assessments, or scheduling interviews with candidates.

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