Time is all about Energy Management

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We have been talking a lot on managing time that has always been 24 hours for all of us. There are several ways people have been trying to manage their time like managing “things to do” list and so on. Time stops for no one and clock keep on ticking at its own pace. In reality it’s not we, who manages the time, but the time that manages us. It’s natural to change and adopt with time, its happens automatically that is without any efforts. With time we evolve and most of the time, time is a big healer. So what is time management, and how we can create an automatic mechanism inside us that manages time for us.

Just like money at any given point of time and for a particular day, we all have limited amount of energy and it’s important to spend it wisely as otherwise you would end up spending too much of it on unproductive tasks. And very soon you would be left with no energy or inadequate energy to spend on other important and unavoidable tasks. First step is Prioritization or setting up our priorities in life. Lets help ourselves get very clear and doubt free on what we want from life. List out now, may be ten top priorities in life. Rank them and identify top 3. This makes you very clear on what you want from life and sets up the direction for your energy to flow. When your priorities are ranked clearly in your subconscious, your subconscious helps you chose your tasks according or in other words helps you utilize your energy reservoir intelligently as per your priority systems. “Your energy flows where attention goes”, and the direction of your attention can only be achieved by focusing on right things; things that are important to you’ those that tops your priority lists.


Since your energy for a day is limited, you would not like to waste it. You can chose to invest your energy into something, or you can chose to save it for something important later on. Your subconscious is effortful of saving you from procrastinating and you end up finishing most of the tasks that are meant for a particular day. You can also chose to increase your energy reservoir for a day. This depends a lot on how you channelize your energy that is your life style play a vital role here. Another important things is how you manage your thoughts and emotions, since waste thoughts which are unproductive in nature and un-resourceful emotions consumes a lot of your vital energy and thus time. So if you really want to manage your energy and thus time then you must;

  1. Set up your priorities in life very clearly
  2. Focus on important things in life that tops your priorities
  3. Manage your lifestyle
  4. Manage your thoughts and emotions


There are many ways you can manage your thoughts; you can do this through regular meditation, positive affirmations and adopting more empowering belief systems. Basic hurdle people face while trying to empower their belief system is their inability to identify the limiting beliefs. As once you identify your limiting belief in relation to your purpose, it’s easier for you to get rid of them. Similarly it’s very important to attain a stable emotional state that you can achieve by practicing objective observation to various things happening to and around you.  This way you save a lot of energy and thus time that you normally tend to waste. Money saved is money earned; similarly energy saved is energy earned. Surplus energy if used resourcefully, can be utilized to earn more money and if not then to build up stronger relationships and completing other vital and unavoidable tasks. High energy levels also make you less prone to making mistakes. You find yourself very much in control of your life and are able to stay calm and happy.

Nitin Rohatgi

NLP and EI Practitoner, Trainer

Travel and Hospitality Faculty, Trainer

Life and Leadership Coach




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