People with definite patterns are easy to control

Featured People Worklife

All of us are surrounded by people with different mindsets and variety of behaviors. Each one of them operate as per their own map of the world, that is driven by personalized emotional patterns, belief systems, experiences, learning, fears and habits etc. As based on these subconscious elements every time when a person goes into a fresh experience, his responses are actually the outcome of these elements as settled in their subconscious; where he tests his previous preferences as also as based on the current experiences develops new preferences. This is a cyclical process and that’s how people keep on evolving.


Still it cannot be categorized as standard evolution process; very often people behavior and responses are predictable in certain particular situations, something that makes people better manageable. People with unpredictable behavior patterns as a result of unsettled priority mechanism and confused subconscious patterns are difficult to understand and thus difficult to manage. Still since it is well within human capability, people can play it very smartly, without knowing that regular display of such over smartness makes people even more predictable.


Another category of most predictable behavior is people with weak emotional control. Such people can easily be provoked and can easily be made angry and can easily get flattered. This makes them quite vulnerable to get exploited as this predictability of their emotional responses makes them well controllable. Such people can be controlled by playing with their emotions or rather evoking any emotion in them that favors a particular intention.


So two different perspectives can be

  • A leader can manage people behavior if he understands the strength and weaknesses of his teammates; especially at emotional level. This way it’s possible for a leader to manipulate the behavior of an individual in his favor by using tools like motivation, de-motivation, encouragement, discouragement and so on in order to meet an objective (s).
  • On the other hand it’s easy for an individual to get exploited if he or she is weak enough in managing his / her emotions and thus behavior. This makes them much predictable and their probability of being exploited goes high.


It can therefore be comfortable and appropriate to keep standard behavioral patterns at the same time can be a risky as well. So although in general scenario unpredictability can be considered as a sign of weak emotional control, in reality the same unpredictability can be useful tool to avoid getting exploited or used if done with proper emotional awareness and in objective manner.



Nitin Rohatgi

NLP and EI Practitioner, Trainer

Travel and Hospitality Faculty, Trainer

Life and Leadership Coach



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