Job Application Tracking Management Tool


Features that will change everything

  • Publish and Share Jobs Online
  • Social Job Sharing
  • Resume Upload
  • Structure and Customize Your Interview Process
  • Branded Careers Website
  • Robust Set of Pre-Built Report
  • User Access Controls
  • Custom Recruiting Pipeline
  • CSV Export
  • Custom Scorecards

Build a job posting from scratch or start with a free template.

The average user has their job live within 3 minutes. Give yourself hours back into your day and let automation tools help you hire.

Your job gets published to 50+ job sites

No need to create multiple accounts manually. Your tools will share to all the top sites helping you get free organic job seeker traffic

Job seekers are directed to your dedicated job listing.

With Tools’s Culture Marketing landing pages, your candidates will convert to 500% higher than a text-only job description.

Stay organized with applicant tracking.

Take notes, communicate with email templates, move candidates through custom hiring pipelines. Your hiring should be centralized for the entire team to get involved by the Tools.

Resume Upload

Your candidates can upload their resumes directly into your database, giving you a prime starting point for future interviews and assessments. Anyone who has been given user access can view this resume.

Robust Pre-Built Reports

Reporting is important, especially in cases where you have to report to an executive team or board. Having ready access to all the data, built into comprehensive reports, gives you peace of mind.

CSV Export

Export data about your candidate anytime into a CSV for reporting and analysis.

Candidate Database

Your personal candidate database will ensure that you never lose a candidate again, even if choose to hire someone else. All your prospective hires will stay in one place, giving you easy access when it’s time to hire again.

Custom Scorecards

Different companies have different metrics, and sometimes those metrics vary by position. With  custom scorecards, choose the qualifiers that you are most interested in. Your team can vote, giving the candidate a comprehensive and highly relevant score.

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