HR Tools for Any Business


There are, however, a ton of different HR tools that can make your job much easier. The tools can handle just about any given function, from payroll to onboarding.

To give you a better idea of what software you’d need, we compiled a list of all the must-have HR tools for every function.

Job Posting

These days, there are hundreds, if not thousands, different job boards.

If you want to make sure that your candidate search has maximum reach, you’d have to go through each and every one of them manually, copy + pasting the job ads.

So that you don’t have to spend an entire day posting job ads, BetterTeam allows you to post everywhere at once.

As an added benefit, the software also helps with other areas of recruitment. You can, for example, use it to create your own job board on your company website.

It can even help create the job descriptions, making your work significantly easier (and faster).

Applicant Tracking System

Once you’ve posted your job ad all over the place, the resumes will start coming in. Depending on the job, this can range from hundreds to tens of thousands.

Manually going through all of them can be very exhausting & time-consuming. Chances are, you’ll glance through all the resumes real quick. In fact, that’s what most HR professionals do. The average time an HR looks at a resume is 6 seconds. So in most cases, you’ll rarely have the time (or desire) to dig into each resume.

Jobvite is an applicant tracking software (ATS) that helps you filter through all the resumes. You can specify any given requirement (X+ years of experience, a certain type of skill, location, etc.) and it does the filtering for you.

By simply eliminating all the irrelevant resumes, you’ll have more time to focus on candidates that are important for your organization.

Employee Screening

In a lot of cases, an applicant’s resume just doesn’t cut it. It can, after all, only hold so much information.

To make an adequate choice on whom to hire, you need to assess 2 very important things…

  1. Skill Level – As a given, you’d want your candidate to be an expert in their field. While the resume shows their experience in years, it doesn’t give you an accurate view of how good they are.
  2. Personality Fit – In addition to skills, you’d also want the new hire to get along with everyone else. Every company has a different culture with different types of employees. You wouldn’t, for example, want to hire a 50-something old-school manager in a trendy StartUp.

With Harver, you can create tests for both skill and personality, allowing you to make more educated decisions about your hiring

Employee Onboarding

Most companies don’t put too much thought into their onboarding program.

In fact, most of them don’t even have one! They tend to just sort of wing it, the employee will show up at the office and their supervisor will take care of them.

Onboarding, however, is actually very important. In fact, a good onboarding program can increase your employee retention by 50% or more.

So, how do you make this work?

Well, you need to create an actual procedure. Onboarding shouldn’t be an afterthought. It should be a well-defined, well-planned process.

To do this, create a list of everything that should happen for the employee to start being productive at work. So, steps such as…

  1. Fill in all the paperwork
  2. Have the documents approved by management
  3. Schedule a start date with the hire’s respective team
  4. Make sure that the new employee gets all the onboarding materials
  5. etc.

Once you’ve got your exact structure down, you can use Tallyfy to solidify the process. The software makes sure all the tasks are completed in a timely manner, allowing for a rock-solid onboarding process.

As an added benefit, Tallyfy also allows for automated approval processes. Think, if an employee wants to take a day off, they can simply fill in the form online and it’s going to be forwarded to the HR.

HR Suite

If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop for people management, Zenefits is your go-to. It’s one of the most popular HRM tools out there, and that’s for a reason.

The software offers just about every functionality you’ll need – time tracking, benefits, payroll, compliance, you name it!

The downside, though, is that it’s a bit pricey compared to other HRM software. It starts off at $5 per employee plus a $40 base fee. For full functionality (time off tracking, compliance support, etc.) the price goes up to $9 per user.

Core HR Functions

If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to Zenefits, StaffSquared might be a better idea.

Like Zenefits, it offers most of the core HRM functionalities…

  • Absence Management
  • Expense Management
  • Time Tracking
  • Reporting

StaffSquared, however, lacks a handful of features. Specifically, payroll and compliance. So, depending on which functionalities you need, you can pick either of the two HR tools.

Employee Recognition

Recognition is important in any work environment. Your employees love to feel valued for their work. Sometimes, however, it can be hard to recognize everyone. allows your employees to give credit to each other, and when they collect enough points, they can be redeemed for a custom reward. This can be anything from free lunch to an extra day off.

The way this works is, everyone gets a monthly allowance of points. The employees can then use the points to recognize work done by their colleagues.

This can either be done through your very own platform, or through any other communication tool your company uses. Think, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.

Goal-Setting and Development

Feedback is important for company growth.

Your employees can have a wealth of knowledge on how to improve the organization as a whole. More often than not, though, they don’t have the opportunity to share feedback.

Tools such as Trakstar make general company-related feedback, as well as 360 employee evaluations, simple and easy.

The software also helps with goal-setting and personal development. Your employees can create their day-to-day goals, which you can then track and determine who’s performing well and who isn’t.


Gamification, other than being an overused buzzword these days, is a great way to keep your employees engaged within the workplace.

nGUVU offers a gamification solution for just about every industry, from phone sales to retail.

With sales, for example, the platform helps create an achievement-based environment. Here are a handful of features that the platform comes with…

  • Rewards & Recognition – nGUVU tracks your KPIs and lists your top-performers on leader-boards. You can then reward the individuals as you see fit.
  • Competitions – Friendly competition is good for everyone. Create micro contests for your employees to compete in.

According to nGUVU, the entire gamification platform has the potential to increase all of your KPIs from 2% to 10%.

As a given, if you’re working in a different industry other than sales, the features and functionalities the platform comes with are different.

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