Happy employees more productive, innovative, and receptive, says Canadian researcher


Virtual master class looks at science of happiness – and how it can help in the workplace

Happiness is so much more than a smiley emoji, says Canadian researcher and happiness expert Dr. Gillian Mandich.

“It has a meaningful impact on our life in terms of longevity and quality of life.”

“Years of research show that when we compare happy people to unhappy people, happy people have low rates of cardiovascular disease and stronger immune systems. They also heal faster from injury. In addition, when we talk about workplace outcomes, happiness leads to better productivity and teamwork.”

Recently, the pandemic has moved the conversation forward to where it’s become a priority to understand the science of happiness and what to do about it, says Dr. Mandich, who is leading UKG’s 90-minute master class on “The Science of Happiness.”

“It’s exciting to know that, just like if we want to learn about nutrition, for example — we can study it, apply basic research principles and the scientific method to learn more about it — we can do the exact same thing with happiness.”

To start with, it’s fundamental to figure out what makes us cheerful and what adds to bliss. Three fundamental elements become an integral factor.

The first? Hereditary qualities. “Our qualities truly do influence our bliss,” she says.

Besides — and this has become more evident with the pandemic — is our current circumstance, says Dr. Mandich.

“Where we are and what we encircle ourselves with, who we encircle ourselves with, and where we can or can’t go effects our joy.”

The third supporter of satisfaction is our contemplations, activities and ways of behaving. This viewpoint is significant on the grounds that we have more control around here than we do with hereditary qualities or ecological variables, she says.

“It’s something that all of us has some command over. What we know from research isn’t just might we at any point increment our bliss present moment, yet we can really support it at more significant levels.”

The science of happinessBenefits to happiness

Joy has likewise been connected to more noteworthy advancement. This is valid in light of the fact that it assists individuals with being more inventive and to impart all the more actually, says Dr. Mandich.

“Whenever we have blissful individuals in a work environment setting, they are more open to the discussion. Members are additionally more responsive to thoughts that are shared by others.”

She says that more joyful individuals additionally will generally be appraised as preferable loved over others, more canny, and more skillful.

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