Employment market in India on the road of recovery


The employment market is beginning to see signs of recovery in the second phase of the Covid-19.

Hiring in India increased by 11 per cent in Q1 FY2022, according to the latest India Hiring Tracker on the job site Indeed.

Big business led the way in terms of employment (59 percent of employers), while medium-term employment was down (38 percent), the report said.

The hiring tracker unveiled a quarterly job report for the entire quarter in June 2021.


Bangalore continued to lead the hiring (56 per cent) while Kolkata replaced Chennai at the bottom of the hiring list (34 per cent).


The number of job seekers and job changers has grown slightly over the past quarter, from 68 per cent to 70 per cent, 52 per cent entry level, 44 per cent and 18 per cent higher.

In addition, the importance of job seekers also changed. Of the 25 percent job seeker, salary was the main focus, followed by job growth (19 percent), learning opportunities / challenges / responsibilities (16 percent), and company reputation (14 percent).

Start-up jobs – SMEs were the most popular for graduates (44 percent) and middle-aged job seekers (42 percent). While the popularity of roles in MNCs / large corporations (43 per cent) was significantly higher during the quarter than in the previous quarter (38 per cent).

However, employers and employees were not on the same page when it came to future job models. Employers prefer a hybrid performance model (42 percent) rather than a long-term job (35 percent), while job seekers prefer to work remotely (46 percent) rather than an integrated approach (29 percent).

Fifty-five percent of women compared to 29 percent of men said they wanted to continue working at home. While 52 percent of senior managers choose to work from home, compared to 36 percent at the middle level and 31 percent of low-level employees.

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