Decoding Personality

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Personality is something everyone is interested in. The book by Vishal Verma “Decoding Personality an insight using popular psychometric test is an extremely powerful handbook for those who are interested in understanding personality and all human resource professionals. This book will assist to understand what kind of personality one has or people around them or in their organizations. The book starts with understanding self and goes deep into preferences and how the preferences make the personality. The book further investigates the personality types on the four-temperament theory, and Carl Jung’s four-preferential scale and going into MBTI types proposed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.

Although it is always recommended that to understand the personality type one should take a psychometric assessment which has been validated, but the author has given a different perspective. The author proposes to understand the terminology and assess your own personality. It has been generally seen that by taking the first level test one comes to know about the personality type based on MBTI, one can be of any 16-personality type. The author goes deep into the same and based on his secondary research and says that for example even when a person is extravert, he at the same time is also introvert. This is something what makes the book unique as it goes into dynamics of personality and talks about the order of preferences. The combination of preferences and how it makes one’s personality is covered in detail making anyone understand the dynamics.

The book further investigate into how the personality type helps us understand the learning style, and how one can decode the personality just on the basis of conversation. The book gives us the how and where from we can design a personality test and also uses one designing from the same and helping readers to decode their personality using OCEAN techniques.

Although this is not the only book on personality and many books and research papers are available. The original book, Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. by the creator of the MBTI, that explains the Myers & Briggs personality types of typology and celebrates the diversity of personality types no doubt is one of the master piece. Furthermore, as the author himself recommends going for psychometric test, we also recommend the same. However, we can say, that “This book is super practical for those interested in personality.” The book will really help one understand their personality type and it help to access the areas of focus and how to work towards your goals. On the flip side, it would be more beneficial if more psychometric tests would have been covered.

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