Christian school worker sacked for sex education views seeks £56k


A Christian school assistant is taking her former employer to tribunal over claims she was sacked over Facebook posts in which she objected to plans to introduce education about LGBT relationships in primary schools.

Kristie Higgs is looking for £56,000 in pay over claims that she lost her position at Farmor’s School in Fairford, Gloucestershire, after the headteacher was sent a screen capture of one of her confidential Facebook posts.

In a consultation that starts at the Bristol business court today, her legitimate group will contend that her excusal penetrated her right to speak freely and opportunity of religion.

In 2018, Higgs made two Facebook posts that communicated her convictions about how LGBT connections and local area are shown in schools.

The main encouraged her organization to sign a request against government intends to present sex and connections training in grade schools and the second incorporated a connection to an article by an American moderate Christian pundit which guaranteed there had been an expansion in “transsexual philosophy” in youngsters’ books in schools.

A couple of days subsequent to making the posts on her confidential Facebook account, which was under her last name by birth and didn’t specify the school she worked at, the headteacher at Farmor’s School was passed a mysterious grievance about the posts, which depicted them as “homophobic and biased to the LGBT people group”.

The headteacher is claimed to have requested that the complainant “track down additional hostile posts” and vowed to make a quick move against Higgs. In practically no time subsequently, Higgs was suspended.

An examination concerning her direct was sent off, which included Higgs being addressed on why she had utilized her school email to get citations from the Bible.

The examination finished in Higgs being welcome to go to a gathering at an inn, wherein it is claimed she was exposed to six hours of “scaring” addressing and her presents being looked at on “supportive of Nazi” sees.

The Christian Legal Center, a backing bunch which is supporting Higgs with her case, affirmed that Higgs was told to “keep your religion out of it” when she attempted to make sense of the setting of the posts and her Christian convictions.

She was subsequently excused for absurd wrongdoing corresponding to separation, unseemly utilization of web-based entertainment and online remarks that the school guaranteed could bring it into notoriety. Her allure was dismissed.

In front of her hearing, which is booked to run until Friday, Higgs said: “Nothing might have set me up for what occurred. I was informed that the purposes for my firing were nothing to do with my Christian convictions – it closely related to my Christian convictions.

“I have been rebuffed for sharing worries about connections and sex schooling. I have these perspectives as a result of my Christian convictions, convictions and perspectives which are shared by countless guardians across the UK. My main concern has forever been the impact that finding out about sex and orientation in school will have on kids early in life. I have not victimized anybody.

“Through my case I maintain that there should be reestablished opportunity for other people, particularly Christians, to communicate their convictions and suppositions unafraid of losing their positions.”

Andrea Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Center, said: “This case is about the opportunity to have Christian perspectives about being human. Numerous Christians have confronted tension for communicating these perspectives in the working environment previously, yet for this situation, Kristie has been excused for dividing her perspectives between companions on Facebook.

“Kristie has lost her employment, however her entire profession is currently discolored with the allegation that for maintaining these viewpoints she is presently a threat to weak youngsters. This is notwithstanding an excellent record at the school and in her work with youth in the more extensive local area. In the event that Kristie doesn’t win this case, because of one protest, she will always be unable to work with youngsters from now on.”

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