Christel Heydemann named first ever Chief Executive Officer of Orange


The French Telecom company Orange named Miss. Christel Heydemann its new chief executive officer.The appointment marks the first time a woman was hired to lead France’s biggest telecoms operator amid a revamp of its governance.

The 47 year old Paris native will replace Stephane Richard from April 4th due to the allegations he is facing because of his actions during the stint in the finance ministry.

Miss. Heydemann became the third woman to lead a company listed on the French CAC 40 index, after Engie’s Catherine MacGregor and Estelle Brachlianoff, who is set to take the reins of utility group Veolia on July 1st 2022.

“The board has selected a candidate who is recognised for her experience in the telecoms sector and in managing business transformations,” Orange said in a statement.

According to the company statement, Heydemann saw off other two shortlisted candidates for the job, deputy managing director Ramon Fernandez and Verizon sales director Frank Boulben.

Prior to Orange, Heydemann worked for Schneider Electric, Alcatel and Boston Consulting group in various leadership roles. She did her graduation from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in France.

Commenting on her appointment, Heydemann said, “I would like to thank the Board members for their confidence. As a member of the Board for nearly five years, I have gained a solid understanding of the technological challenges and opportunities that lie before us. I know that these are significant, but it is equally a huge honour to be able to contribute to the development of one of the leading players in our industry and Orange will have my total commitment as we set about this task.”

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