Personnel Today Awards 2021: Ocado with Aon collect HR Technology Award

Ocado’s HR group renewed its enlistment cycle, making it more attractive and more successful, in association with Aon’s Assessment Solutions. Their endeavors saw them win the HR Technology Award. We survey their accomplishments and those of the sprinters up in a top notch classification that gave the appointed authorities a troublesome undertaking. Victor Ocado Group […]

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How can HR respond if an employee has been trolling someone online?

Online trolling has soared during the pandemic. Employers can be held liable for workers who harass or discriminate against others online, so how should they approach these issues at work? Ben Thompson offers some advice.  The pandemic has been faulted for an expansion in web based savaging and provocation, in any event, hitting the degrees […]

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‘Fragmentation frustration’: Too many HR tools can hamper productivity

New research may just have punctured the illusion that more digital tools can only improve workflow and productivity. Adam McCulloch reports It’s a typical sensation. IT has thought of a work process fix including another computerized device. “Great” we as a whole toll while noisily concurring that our lives are going to be made simpler. […]

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BBC journalists banned from attending ‘controversial’ events

BBC journalists are no longer able to attend events that may be ‘controversial’, including demonstrations about LGBT issues or Black Lives Matter protests. The standards on unbiasedness, which have been presented close by severe virtual entertainment rules by BBC chief general Tim Davie this week, forestall journalists and staff who work in current issues from […]

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Covid-related employment cases: 10 key rulings for employers

Employment tribunals have been deciding coronavirus-related cases throughout 2021. We set out 10 key first-instance rulings related to the pandemic from which employers can learn lessons. 1. No blanket right to refuse to attend work during pandemic Key case: Rodgers v Leeds Laser Cutting Ltd What happened in this case Mr Rodgers’ business was finished […]

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HSBC Holdings employees under scrutiny for WhatsApp use

HSBC Holdings is being investigated by US regulators amid allegations that staff used messaging platforms such as WhatsApp to send sensitive work messages. In the organization’s yearly report distributed for this present week, it said it was helping out the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), a monetary administrations controller in the US. President Noel Quinn […]

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Estée Lauder staff win payout after being ‘sacked by algorithm’

Cosmetics company Estée Lauder has reached an out-of-court settlement with three make-up artists who lost their jobs after being asked to take a video interview that was assessed by an algorithm. The ladies, who worked for Estée Lauder auxiliary MAC, were informed they were being made repetitive, incompletely based on a robotized judgment by a […]

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Gender parity in management ‘well behind’ where firms should be

Men still dominate management and leadership positions, and less than two-thirds of employers make an effort to ensure that women and men receive an equal voice in meetings and decision making. This is as indicated by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) which, on International Women’s Day, has distributed research that uncovers association drove support for […]

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Employers must act urgently on future skills needs

Employers need to take “urgent action” to ensure workers have skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking in the future, a research study claims. An audit of ongoing examination and thought authority on the abilities expected in later working environments, led by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and the Nuffield Foundation, considered abilities […]

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Survey highlights business benefits of employing magistrates

Sound judgement and effective decision-making are among the top qualities that HR and recruitment leaders see in people who volunteer as magistrates, research has shown. A Ministry of Justice-dispatched outline saw that various affiliations feel enabling agents to contribute as judges is a strong way for chiefs to remunerate society, and help laborers with making […]

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