Air India appoints Suresh Tripathi as CHRO


Tata Sons conducts major reshuffle in Air India’s top management.

N Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Air India, made a rebuilding in top administration on Friday, naming Nipun Aggarwal as Chief Commercial Officer and Suresh Dutt Tripathi as Chief Human Resources Officer.

Aggarwal, who is likewise a Senior Vice President at Tata Sons, takes the place of Air India veteran Meenakshi Malik, while Tripathi, who was Vice President of Human Resources at Tata Steel from 2012 to 2021, replaces AI’s Amrita Sharan.
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As indicated by a media report, Malik and Sharan were named as Advisors to the CEO of Air India on Friday.

Suresh worked with assembling organization SRF Limited for north of 10 years as president, bunch HR prior to joining Tata Steel.

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